Want to get your Krampus on? It's easy! You just show up in your costume the day of the walk. But before you do, you might want to check out our rules for participation listed below.
See what RVA had to say about our first year of Krampusnacht:
Voted #1 in Style Weekly's 'Best Of' edition for 2013
Style Weekly Article
The Krampus Kode
The organizers of RVA Krampusnacht will not be held responsible for the actions of the event participants. By attending this event you agree to follow these rules:
1. You may be as scary looking as you want, but you MAY NOT touch any bystanders or hit them with your krampus switches! Which leads us to number two...
2. If you are a participant you run the risk of being hit with a krampus switch (gently please)! But it's all about consent, so please don't switch people if you don't know if they're okay with it. Basically, don't be a jerk.
3. You MAY NOT touch anything as we walk. This includes but is not limited to store front windows and people's cars!
4. Get creative with your costume! Lights, chains, bells, and creepy sounds/music are encouraged, but please NO fire, NO liquid, and NO confetti or anything else that might leave trash behind. This is a ZERO WASTE event.
5. Please keep your costume relevant to the event! Krampi only, folks! This isn’t Halloween, so no princesses, no spidermans, and no giant bananas. We do allow for Krampus-related characters like Frau Perchtas, Belsnickles, naughty children, etc. The roles of St. Nicholas and the angels have already been filled. :)
6. Don’t scare people too badly. You may sneer and growl at passersby, but if they want to be left alone, respect their wishes.
7. No weapons (even fake ones) allowed except for Krampus switches/brooms and fake chains.
8. During the walk everyone participating must remain on the sidewalks. We aren’t blocking off the street for this and you will get run over or cause an accident if you wander into the street. Please use crosswalks and obey lights!
9. Be aware of your surroundings and other participants. Make space for those with mobility issues to have a good time too. On the note of mobility- all of the cross streets in Carytown have wheelchair access, but there is one intersection we cross through at the top of Thompson St. that does not. There is a curb there, so please be aware.
10. Stay on public property. Do not go into stores or other private properties. Stick to the sidewalk.
11. There will be time before and after for pictures, so please keep your cell phones hidden during the walk and remain in character. We’ll also have some photographers present to capture the madness. Everyone in costume is invited to join in on the group photo at the end of the walk!
Krampus on!
Krampus on!